Let's see if this is the optimal therapy for your dog.
After all, you've gone down many roads searching for answers to your dogs health and mobility issues.
This time you want to do things that make more sense to you.
You love your dog (that's a given) and their life and their health are as equally important to you as any member of the family.
So it's important to you to find a solution that creates positive, lasting changes without the use of drugs or surgery.
Dog Bowen Therapy needs to work for you and for your dog on many levels.
It needs to be the best choice for the well-being of your dog. It needs to fit your pocketbook and your busy schedule! And most importantly it needs to coincide with your beliefs on health.
Let's take a look at these two short videos. They will give you an up close and personal view of the changes that you'd expect to see with your dog.
The one thing we both know is that you are here because your dog has a mobility issue or a health concern, correct?
This could be a stifle injury, hip dysplasia, arthritis, or even paralysis. This list is just the beginning of possible causes...
(a more detailed list is just below)
The point being that regardless of the issue, the body has been compromised.
You know this by either a Veterinary exam or ( and this is often the case ) because you are so in-tune with your dog that you know there is a problem.
So let's take a minute to look at some of these issues and then we can go over why these issues are on the list and why Dog Bowen Therapy makes such profound changes!
So what other conditions will Dog Bowen Therapy help to resolve?
The list is right below, but please note, the possibilities for change are endless and you may not see your dogs diagnosis on the list.
If that is the case, just email your dogs story! ~
- Arthritis
- Hip dysplasia
- Elbow dysplasia
- Stifle(knee) injury
- Spine misalignment
- Spondylosis
- Roached back
- Joint stiffness
- Shoulder injury
- Herniated discs
- Muscle spasms
- Stroke recovery
- Wobblers Syndrome
- Digestive issues
- Leaky bladder
- Paralysis
- Foot Knuckling
- Poor coat condition
- Under weight
- Laryngeal paralysis
- Pre-surgery comfort
- Post surgery mobility recovery
- Sudden injury
- Long standing injury
- Autoimmune disorders
- Neurological disorder
- Ease of going up and down stairs
- Ease getting in and out of car
- Ease of emotional stress
- Degenerative Myelopathy
So why is this list so extensive? And what do they have in common?
The answer to these two questions are very interconnected.
Actually they are so interconnected that they can be summed up in three words!
Central Nervous System!
When things go awry in your body ( and in this case your dogs body ) several things need to happen for a lasting change to be accomplished.
Firstly and most importantly the body must be taken out of a flight and fight mode and placed into a rest and repair mode in order to heal.
( this is all Central Nervous System Stuff )
...and this is true for all conditions, acute or chronic!!!
Once the body is placed in rest and repair mode the following things happen:
- inflammation is reduced
- muscles are released
- cells begin to repair
- the body comes back into alignment
So Yes, Dog Bowen Therapy is going to help your dog!
Why? Because it works directly with the Central Nervous System.
When is Dog Bowen Therapy not going to be the best therapy for my dog?
In any emergency situation where your dog is in crisis.
In this case you need to be moving high speed to the Vets!